For The Record… Education

Leonardo Williams
4 min readSep 4, 2021

In this statement, I hope to highlight my education experience, assure the public of my commitment to serving all of Durham’s youth, and my effort to cleanse the deterioration of public trust in our political processes.

First, the month of August (2021) has been filled with endorsement interviews and questionnaires on a daily. As a first time candidate, I believe it’s important to be present, respect every process, and exhaust every worthy opportunity. A few things I have noticed during this process: 1. There are truly concerned citizens across our city and many are trusting organizations to inform their political decision-making. 2. Durham is lucky to have so many organizations committed to a progressive and forward-thinking Durham. 3. Durham is in need of a true Ward system.

To that end, I did not receive the Durham Association of Educators endorsement. It is clear, Durham city does not have a formal funding authority over our public school system. Yet, Educators being concerned about municipal matters and how they affect students is appreciated. The city has ample opportunity to positively impact our youth and schools; from wrap-around services to funding extended school days and universal Pre-K.

Equity in education has always been rooted in my lived experiences, educating our children, advocating alongside my colleagues, and raising the standards of Teaching and Learning. When I was Teacher Of the Year, I was tasked with surveying Teachers across the school district to help choose the next Teacher Of the Year. I’ve seen our schools from great to poor and will be the first to say, we have a lot of work to do to ensure every child in our community has what they need to learn and perform effectively. I’ve been in those classrooms, engaged parents, trained educators, accomplished academic milestones, and helped students see their true potential.

In this political season, I am compelled to state my education experience and humbly seek Educators to stand alongside me in this race for Durham City Council because Educators are community members. I seek your diversity of thought, independence of analysis, and your personal commitment to revitalize the integrity of Education Advocacy in the name of Teaching and Learning, for the sake of our Children.

For the record, here’s my Education Resume’. (No particular order)

  • Longtime Member: NCAE (North Carolina Association of Educators
  • Former Executive Board Member: Durham Association of Educators (DAE)
  • Multi-Year Delegate for DAE to the NEA (National Education Association) Representative Assembly
  • I’m a product of NC Public Schools, Kindergarten to Graduate School
  • My son attends Riverside High School.
  • Former Teacher Of the Year at James E. Shepard IB Middle School.
  • Former Teacher Of the Year at Southern High School (District Finalist).
  • Proud PTA Member for Durham Public Schools
  • Advocated for children in Durham and NC by leading the state’s largest nonprofit for public schools, NC Foundation for Public School Children.
  • Creator of The O.A.S.I.S. (Optimizing Academic Standards for Innovative Students) program, incorporated into DPS lowest performing elementary schools after hours to enhance learning efficiency for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders.
  • Established a formal relationship between Durham Public Schools and Ottendorf Labs to ensure DPS students had access to free, accurate COVID-19 testing.
  • Have performed extensive research on Education Policy, Curriculum, and the Achievement Gap.
  • Former School Administrator
  • Former Senior District Administrator
  • The only Educator published in the Triangle Business Journal for economic mobility in education
  • Advance the appreciation of Educators through incentives and discounts, permanently at my local businesses, rather than awaiting Teacher Appreciation Month.
  • Free meals to spelling bee winners across DPS to encourage intellectual curiosity and excitement for elementary school students.
  • Intentional about hiring individuals who were DPS students seeking a “second chance” to re-integrate into civil life post incarceration.
  • Working to establish a citywide apprenticeship program for high school juniors and seniors with local startups.
  • Working to establish a “Move Here — From Here” program, leveraging our economic relationships with Apple & Google to fund the coding training of a local DPS student for every employee that relocates to Durham.
  • Founder & CEO of the P.H.A.S.E. 3 Group, Inc (Providing Helpful Accountability Strategies Effectively) — An education consulting firm designed to support schools, communities, and households with strategies to improve academic outcomes for Teaching & Learning.
  • Lobbied NC General Assembly members for the right to collective bargaining for Educators
  • Former State Education Consultant during Governor Roy Cooper’s first administration.
  • Worked on a statewide bi-partisan committee to seek flexibility for NC School Principals

Opportunities shine brightest in the midst of crisis. I have joined two uncommon journeys together; that of an educator and the other, an entrepreneur. My most valuable lesson learned at this intersection of life is that people are the most vital ingredient to a common good and a well-social being.

I hope to make political engagement less about the game we play, but more about a true reflection of the needs of Durham. I hope to ensure we can increase the impact of a single voice and collectively build a progressive agenda that is defined by action taken and results produced. Durham has long been the victim of “aboutism,” whereas, we are drunk in theory, but our palettes are bland in practicality.

I employ our beautiful Bull City to adhere to the following. Seek substance in all candidates, appreciate the sacrifice of one’s daily hustle, protect their bravery to serve publicly, and vote your conscious.



Leonardo Williams

A Serial Entrepreneur based in Durham, NC — Cofounder of Bank Black Durham — Educator — Elected Official